Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pet Turtles

It's been almost two years since I've posted, but the following conversation today is the reason for this blog's rebirth.

On my way to meet a friend for some iced beverages, this happened:

Tall, cap, glasses dude walking towards me on the street: Excuse me, do you know where there's a pet store around here?

Me: A pet store? As in a Petco for pet food or a store that actually sells animals?

Tall, cap, glasses dude: An actual pet store where they sell animals.

Me: In downtown DC? I have no idea? Did someone tell you it's around here?

Tall, cap, glasses dude: No, but I figured there's a lot of stores this way and I've been walking for a while. If I continue walking, would I find one?

Me: No. Not here.Just clothing stores and restaurants.

Tall, cap, glasses dude: Well, here's the story. I pet-sat my friend's turtle and we bonded so now I want a turtle of my own.

Me: Ok. That's understandable, but no pet stores around here that sell turtles. Maybe ask the Zoo? Or the Humane Society?

Tall, cap, glasses dude: I thought I'd ask you since you look like you like animals. Do you have pets?

Me: Yes, a cat, but not in DC.

Tall, cap, glasses dude: So no experience with turtles?

Me: No. Sorry.

Tall, cap, glasses dude: Ok. I guess I can just look up the Humane Society and give them a call. Or go by the Zoo with my backpack and see what I find.

Me: Well, good luck.

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